Obsessed with our latest kids tour of the factory!
It's honestly so heart-warming to be able to show young Ghanaian kids what young Ghanaian people can do — and are doing. Getting orders, processing fruit, selling, chasing payments (being chased for payments) can be such a grind. It's amazing to take a minute to take a look at what we've achieved — and with the curious, open eyes of a child.
Our absolutely stellar QA Eunice did a wonderful job today. We have so much more to learn as a team, but honestly, we're doing pretty good :)
Like what we do? Hop over to shop.yvayafarm.com or www.yvayafarm.com to make a purchase or donation.
Want to organise a visit? WhatsApp Yvette on 0200119525 or email yvette@pureandjustfood.com.