Business students visit our factory!

Business students visit our factory!

It was our pleasure to host students from the Ghana Netherlands Business & Culture Council (GNBCC) Horticulture Business Challenge (HBC) last month ! 

We’ve worked really hard to grow as much as we have in the last five years – but this growth was only possible because of the immense generosity of friends and advisors who helped us along the way. It’s really important to us that we make sure to pay it forward and to contribute to uplifting others as we progress, particularly those in our direct community, young Ghanaians. 

With this in mind we were delighted to be selected to be a part of the HBC program, which is a 10-day program designed to provide students and recent graduates in horticulture with practical skills to complement their studies.

During the program, participants work in mixed teams to identify feasible solutions to real-life business challenges. They also gain access to coaching sessions, receive training on soft and practical skills, meet and network with industry professionals, and embark on field visits to successful horticulture value chain organisations.

Interested in an academic or business visit to our factory in Dobro? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch! Contact Yvette Tetteh at

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